DocsAutomator allows for virtually any currency out there! The currency is always defined in Airtable (currency, formula, rollup or lookup field). Here an example with a rollup field and using “€”:


Video demo:

<aside> 💡 In combination with the “Locale” setting (set in DocsAutomator), DocsAutomator knows automatically how numbers and currencies are supported in your region


In order to define the currency, you can add the following under “Currency Symbol” in Airtable:

1. Symbols (€,$,£, …)

Like in the example above :)

2. 3-letter currency code (EUR,USD,GBP**, …)**

If you prefer to use 3-letter notation, you can do so as well.

3. Using whatever you want!

Yes, you can even use whatever you want! So you could call a currency “Fake” and the number /amount would get printed correctly in your document.